
Eclipse Dark Color Theme

As a programmer, we spend lots of time on developing software. In order to protect our eyes, a dark theme in eclipse is recommended. The following steps will show how to replace the default eclipse white theme by a dark one.

1. Choose a Eclipse Color Theme

Go to http://www.eclipsecolorthemes.org/, select whatever color theme you like. I prefer the Vibrant lnk theme.


Choose a Eclipse Color Theme

Download the eclipse preferences file.

eclipse theme (1)

Download a Eclipse Color Theme

2. Import the Preferences File

Eclipse -> File -> Import -> General -> Preference.

eclipse theme

Then browse the file and finish.

eclipse theme (2)

Import the Eclipse Preferences File

After that, you would see it take effect immediately. However, I don't like the backgroud color of highlighted text. It almost makes me unable to recognize the words. I tried different themes to prevent this probelm. Unfortunately, no one could help.


The Vibrant lnk eclipse theme

3. Customize the background of highlighted text

Actually, eclipse allow us to modify the theme. Go to Eclipse -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Annotations and you need to change all Occurrences and Write occurrences.

eclipse theme (5)

Customize the background of highlighted text

Finally, you would see this setting makes highlighted text clear.

eclipse theme (4)

The modified Vibrant lnk eclipse theme


2024年React state management趨勢

輕量化 在過去Redux 是 React 狀態管理的首選函式庫。 Redux 提供了強大的功能和靈活性,但也帶來了一定的學習成本和複雜度。 隨著 React 生態的不斷發展,越來越多的開發者開始追求輕量化的狀態管理函式庫。 Zustand 和 Recoil 等庫以其簡單易用、性...