
[Blog] Random Words of Wisdom

English proverb, Proverb Quotes, Adage, proverbial saying; Byword; saw


If you want to add a widget showing random words of wisdom in your blogs to websites, you should try this easy mothod.

The outcome of the program looks like (Press F5 to reflesh the screen):



How to use it?

1. Go to Dashboard->Design->Page Elements.


2. Add a Gadget.

csie-tw.blogspot.com (1)

3. Add a HTML/JavaScript Gadget.

csie-tw.blogspot.com (2)

4. Type the title and the program.


The program is shown below.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://sites.google.com/site/csietw123/WisdomWords.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">WisdomWords();</script>


Buddhism and Software Developer

In today's fast-paced society, we are often surrounded by work, goals, and external pressures. However, the wisdom found in Buddhism off...